[color:5772=#f00]بي بي سي- سبق: دعا الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما مواطنيه إلى أخذ خطر الإعصار ساندي على محمل الجد، بينما بدأت السلطات الأمريكية بإغلاق مناطق الساحل الشرقي للولايات المتحدة تحسباً لوصول الإعصار.
وأعلن عدد من الولايات الأمريكية حالة الطوارئ، فيما تأثر بذلك عشرات الملايين من الناس؛ حيث أغلقت المدارس أبوابها، وعُلِّقت خدمات النقل العام.
ويخشى الخبراء من تحوُّل ساندي إلى عاصفة هوجاء عند بلوغه اليابسة في وقت لاحق.
وقد أُلغيت الكثير من الفعاليات والاجتماعات الانتخابية مع دعوة الرئيس أوباما، ودفعت السكان في المناطق الواقعة في مسار الإعصار إلى الاحتماء جيداً.
وسيضرب الإعصار ساندي، الذي أطلق عليه اسم "فرانكنستورم" نسبة إلى شخصية الرعب الشهيرة "فرانكشتاين"، عدداً من الولايات الرئيسية قبيل الانتخابات الرئاسية في 6 نوفمبر المقبل.
وفي حدود الساعة 20:00 بتوقيت الساحل الشرقي الأمريكي "00:00 بتوقيت غرينتش" سيصبح قلب العاصفة على مسافة 485 ميلاً "780 كلم" إلى الجنوب من مدينة نيويورك، حسب بيانات مركز الإعصار الوطني.
ويُتوقَّع أن يتسبب الإعصار مع سرعة الرياح التي يسير بها، المقدرة بـ 75 ميلاً في الساعة، في حدوث فيضانات تشكِّل خطراً على الحياة في المناطق الساحلية الوسطى المطلة على المحيط الأطلسي، ومن بينها "لونغ أيلاند ساوند" وميناء نيويورك.
انتظروني بالصور قريبا
أبو نايف
عدد المساهمات : 1123 نقاط : 6670 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2012 الموقع : https://hailnews.hooxs.com/
موضوع: رد: صورة الاعصار ساندي - اعصار ساندي يضرب واشنطن ونيورك - الاعصار ساندي يتجه نحو امريكا - صور عاصفة ساندي فديو عاصفة ساندي 2012- Sandy الثلاثاء أكتوبر 30, 2012 2:57 am
عدد المساهمات : 1123 نقاط : 6670 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2012 الموقع : https://hailnews.hooxs.com/
موضوع: بالفيديو والصورعاصفة ساندي يضرب السواحل الامريكية بسرعة 150كلم - صور سادي - فديو ساندي -Hurricane Sandy New York 29 octobre 2012 Hurricane Sandy Big Waves In New York Sandy youtube New York Lockdown Preparing for Hurricane Sandy الثلاثاء أكتوبر 30, 2012 9:35 am
بالفيديو والصورعاصفة ساندي يضرب السواحل الامريكية بسرعة 150كلم
بتاريخ Oct 30 2012 00:17:27
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] يشتد الاعصار ساندي الاثنين مع اقترابه من الساحل الشمالي الشرقي للولايات المتحدة مصحوبا برياح تقدر سرعتها ب150 كلم في الساعة، بحسب اخر نشرة للمركز الوطني للاعاصير ومقره في ميامي (فلوريدا، جنوب شرق). وبحسب النشرة ، فان المنخفض الجوي كان على بعد 330 كلم من اتلانتيك سيتي في نيوجيرزي وعلى بعد 415 كلم من نيويورك. ومع اقترابه من الساحل، اشتدت الرياح مع سرعة من 150 كلم في الساعة وامطار اكثر غزارة ايضا. من جهة اخرى، افادت تقديرات اولية لشركة "ايكيسات" المتخصصة ان الاعصار ساندي قد يسبب اضرارا بقيمة تتراوح بين 10 الى 20 مليار دولار ويؤدي الى خسارة شركات التامين ما بين 5 الى 10 مليارات دولار. وقالت شركة الدراسات هذه في بيان ان "ساندي عاصفة كبيرة للغاية تؤثر على 20 بالمئة من السكان في الولايات المتحدة. والاضرار الاقتصادية (المتوقعة) تقدر ب10 الى 20 مليار دولار". واضافت ان "الاضرار المشمولة ببوالص التامين تقدر بما بين 5 الى 10 مليارات دولار". وعلى سبيل المقارنة، فان الاضرار التي سببها الاعصار ايرين في 2011 قدرت بعشرة مليارات دولار، بينما اضرار الاعصار آيك الذي ضرب الولايات المتحدة في العام 2008 كلفت الاقتصاد الاميركي 20 مليار دولار، كما قالت ايكيسات. والاعصار كاترينا الذي دمر نيواورلينز في 2005 كلف بين 40 و66 مليار دولار. و قال الرئيس الامريكي باراك اوباما إنه يتعين على الشعب الامريكي ان يتأهب للاعصار ساندي الذي يجتاح البلاد مساء اليوم الاثنين وتوقع ان يتأثر الملايين بهذه العاصفة..
وقال للصحفيين "ستكون عاصفة ضخمة وقوية واعتقد ان الجميع على الساحل الشرقي سيتخذون الاستعدادات المناسبة." وقال انه يجب على اولئك الذين يقعون في المنطقة التي ستتأثر بالاعصار مراعاة تعليمات المسؤولين المحليين ومسؤولي الولايات بشأن الاجلاء من عدمه وعبر عن ثقته في أن اطقم الطواريء جاهزة لاتمام الاستعدادات للعاصفة وعمليات ازالة اثارها خلال الايام القليلة القادمة.
عدد المساهمات : 1123 نقاط : 6670 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2012 الموقع : https://hailnews.hooxs.com/
موضوع: Hurricane Sandy,,,,,,,,Hurricane Sandy Deadly Frankenstorm EXCLUSIVE UPDATE Be Sure To WATCH - Hurricane Sandy DAMAGE Computer Animation,,,,, Deadly Frankenstorm EXCLUSIVE UPDATE - Hurricane Sandy الثلاثاء أكتوبر 30, 2012 9:44 am
أبو نايف
عدد المساهمات : 1123 نقاط : 6670 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2012 الموقع : https://hailnews.hooxs.com/
موضوع: رد: صورة الاعصار ساندي - اعصار ساندي يضرب واشنطن ونيورك - الاعصار ساندي يتجه نحو امريكا - صور عاصفة ساندي فديو عاصفة ساندي 2012- Sandy الثلاثاء أكتوبر 30, 2012 9:57 am
[color:fa3f=#f00]بامتداده على مساحة 1600 كيلومتر، وسرعة رياح تتجاوز 145 كيلو مترا في الساعة، وصورا مرعبة، أرسل الإعصار " ساندي" إنذارا شديد اللهجة للساحل الشرقي للولايات المتحدة، خاصة " نيويورك" قبل أن يضرب قلب الإعصار هذه المناطق فجر الثلاثاء.
وحسب صحيفة " الديلي ميل" البريطانية، توضح الصور التي التقطتها وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية، مدى الضرر الذي تعرضت له " اتلانتك سيتي" بولاية " نيو جيرسي"، حيث ضربها فيضان ضخم ورياح وعواصف، قبل أن يصلها الإعصار فجر الثلاثاء.
وقالت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية " بي بي سي"، يوجد حاليا ما يقرب من 50 مليون شخص في مسار الإعصار الذي يمتد على مسافة ألف وستمائة كيلومتر ما بين وسط المحيط الأطلسي الى غاية كندا شمالا وسواحل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الشرقية والجنوبية الشرقية.
ويقول المركز الأمريكي لمراقبة الأعاصير "إن اعصار "ساندي" يعتبر الأقوى والأخطر في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية" حيث من المتوقع أن يحدث خسائر مادية معتبرة، بسبب سرعته ولأنه سيكون مصحوبا بزوابع ثلجية قوية.
عدد المساهمات : 1123 نقاط : 6670 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2012 الموقع : https://hailnews.hooxs.com/
موضوع: رد: صورة الاعصار ساندي - اعصار ساندي يضرب واشنطن ونيورك - الاعصار ساندي يتجه نحو امريكا - صور عاصفة ساندي فديو عاصفة ساندي 2012- Sandy الثلاثاء أكتوبر 30, 2012 9:58 am
[color:ffca=#f00]بامتداده على مساحة 1600 كيلومتر، وسرعة رياح تتجاوز 145 كيلو مترا في الساعة، وصورا مرعبة، أرسل الإعصار " ساندي" إنذارا شديد اللهجة للساحل الشرقي للولايات المتحدة، خاصة " نيويورك" قبل أن يضرب قلب الإعصار هذه المناطق فجر الثلاثاء.
وحسب صحيفة " الديلي ميل" البريطانية، توضح الصور التي التقطتها وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية، مدى الضرر الذي تعرضت له " اتلانتك سيتي" بولاية " نيو جيرسي"، حيث ضربها فيضان ضخم ورياح وعواصف، قبل أن يصلها الإعصار فجر الثلاثاء.
وقالت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية " بي بي سي"، يوجد حاليا ما يقرب من 50 مليون شخص في مسار الإعصار الذي يمتد على مسافة ألف وستمائة كيلومتر ما بين وسط المحيط الأطلسي الى غاية كندا شمالا وسواحل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الشرقية والجنوبية الشرقية.
ويقول المركز الأمريكي لمراقبة الأعاصير "إن اعصار "ساندي" يعتبر الأقوى والأخطر في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية" حيث من المتوقع أن يحدث خسائر مادية معتبرة، بسبب سرعته ولأنه سيكون مصحوبا بزوابع ثلجية قوية.
عدد المساهمات : 1123 نقاط : 6670 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2012 الموقع : https://hailnews.hooxs.com/
موضوع: بالفيديو والصورعاصفة ساندي يضرب السواحل الامريكية بسرعة 150كلم - صور جديده ساندي - فديو ساندي - Hurricane Sandy Big Waves In New York Sandy youtube New York Lockdown Preparing for Hurricane Sandy الأربعاء أكتوبر 31, 2012 4:49 am
بدأت عدة ولايات أمريكية بإجراء إحصاء للخسائر جراء الإعصار "ساندي" التي ضرب بقوة المنطقة الشمالية الشرقية للولايات المتحدة. وحصد الإعصار قبل أن يتحول إلى عاصفة استوائية أرواح 11 شخصاً، مغرقاً شوارع مدينة نيويورك التي انقطعت الكهرباء عن أجزاء واسعة منها.
وبحسب البيانات، فقد أسفر الإعصار عن مقتل 11 شخصاً في الولايات المتحدة، إلى جانب شخص واحد في كندا، وقد سبق له أن تسبب بمقتل 67 شخصا في جزر الكاريبي، بما في ذلك 51 في هايتي.
وفقدت مستشفيات في نيويورك الطاقة كلياً، ما جعلها عاجزة عن استقبال المرضى، وشوهدت قوافل من عربات الإسعاف التي عملت على إجلاء المرضى من مستشفى نيويورك الجامعي نحو مراكز طبية أخرى.
وامتد أثر انقطاع التيار الكهربائي ليشمل منازل أكثر من 670 ألف شخص في نيويورك، في حين أعلنت السلطات عن وضع 85 ألف عنصر من الحرس الوطني بحالة تأهب من أجل المساعدة في عمليات الإنقاذ بولايات ديلاور وماريلاند وماساشوستس ونيويورك وكارولاينا الشمالية ونيوجيرسي وبنسلفانيا وفيرجينيا.
واختار الآلاف تمضية ليلتهم في مقار للإيواء أقامها الصليب الأحمر الأمريكي بعدة مناطق، بما في ذلك نيويورك ونيوجيرسي.
وكان الإعصار "ساندي" قد اقترب قبل ساعات من الساحل الشرقي للولايات المتحدة حيث استبقته السلطات بإعلان حالة الطوارئ واتخاذ تدابير احترازية وسط مخاوف من دمار واسع ستخلفه العاصفة الإستوائية التي ستؤثر على حياة نحو 60 مليون شخص، وخسائر مبدئية تقدر بنحو 3 مليارات دولار.
Eye of the storm: New York was among the hardest hit by Superstorm Sandy. A fire broke out in Breezy Point, Queens, destroying between 80 and 100 houses
Battle: More than 190 firefighters have contained the six-alarm blaze fire in the Breezy Point section, but they are still putting out some pockets of fire
Beached: A 168-foot water tanker, the John B. Caddell, sits on the shore Tuesday morning where it ran aground on Front Street in the Stapleton neighborhood of New York's Staten Island
Transport down: A view of an entirely flooded tunnel under Battery Park. New York was among the hardest hit, with its financial heart in Lower Manhattan shuttered for a second day and seawater cascading into the still-gaping construction pit at the World Trade Center
Damaged: A building that had its facade ripped off by Hurricane Sandy - beds and radiators can be seen in the block
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the death toll in the America's most populous city is up to 10.
He also says it could be three days or more before power is restored to hundreds of thousands of people now in the dark.
He is giving no estimate on when public transit would be running, though he expects some buses be running later today.
He said there have nor been any storm-related fatalities in NYC hospitals.
The storm was once Hurricane Sandy but combined with two wintry systems to become a huge hybrid storm whose center smashed ashore late Monday in New Jersey. New York City was perfectly positioned to absorb the worst of its storm surge - a record 13 feet.
The dead included two who drowned in a home and one who was in bed when a tree fell on an apartment, the mayor said. A 23-year-old woman died by stepping into a puddle near a live electrical wire.
A man and a woman were crushed by a falling tree. An off-duty officer on Staten Island who ushered his relatives to the attic of his home apparently became trapped in the basement.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said 156 rescue missions were made by state and city police.
'It's fair to say that the state police and NYPD and the National Guard saved hundreds of lives yesterday,' he said.
Emergency: President Barack Obama has declared a 'major disaster' in New York and Long Island. Pictured, he receives an update on the ongoing response to Hurricane Sandy, in the Situation Room of the White House, via teleconference
City of water: A flooded street in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn after the city awakens to the affects of Hurricane Sandy. It hit the mainland at 6.30pm local time last night having laid waste to large parts of the coast throughout the day
Deluge: Water floods over the barriers in New York. The city's transit system, schools, the stock exchange and Broadway were also shut after a 13ft wall of water caused by the storm surge and high tides brought severe flooding to subways and road tunnels
Submerged: The lobby of Verizon's Corporate headquarters in Manhattan. The headquarter houses executive offices as well as some of the company's key telecom equipment that supports services to New York's financial district
Mission: A man clears leaves from a sewer drain in lower Manhattan to help the flooding ease
The storm caused the worst damage in the 108-year history of New York's extensive subway system, according to Joseph Lhota, the chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
The city's transit system suffered unprecedented damage, from the underground subway tunnels to commuter rails to bus garages, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said Tuesday.
'We have no idea how long it's going to take,' spokeswoman Marjorie Anders said.
Sand and debris cover a part of town near the ocean in New Jersey after serious flooding ravaged the coastline
Today the New York governor told citizens facing power outages that it could last for several days: 'Eat the most perishable items first: leftovers, meat, poultry & foods containing milk, cream, sour cream, or soft cheese.' All 10 subway tunnels between Manhattan and Brooklyn were flooded during the storm, as the saltwater surge inundated signals, switches and third rails and covered tracks with sludge, she said.
The entire system wasn't flooded and the authority was already pumping water. Workers ultimately will have to walk all the hundreds of miles of track to inspect it, she said, and it wasn't clear how long that would take. Trains had been moved to safety before the storm.
Left: A map showing track of Hurricane Sandy through New England, with inset showing projected rainfall totals through Wednesday night and right. mid-Atlantic states showing storm surge from the superstorm storm
Desolate: Residents walk past debris by the Con Edison 14 street and Avenue C power plant on the Lower East Side on Manhattan. An electrical explosion caused a shut down of power due to high winds and flood waters
Mayor Bloomberg said there was just no telling when power and transit would be back, but estimated some bus service would be restored by Tuesday afternoon.
'Clearly the challenges our city faces in the coming days are enormous,' he said.
Water lapped over the seawall in Battery Park City, flooding rail yards, subway tracks, tunnels and roads.
Rescue workers floated bright orange rafts down flooded downtown streets, while police officers rolled slowly down the street with loudspeakers telling people to go home.
'This will be one for the record books,' said John Miksad, senior vice president for electric operations at Consolidated Edison, which had more than 670,000 customers without power in and around New York City.
An unprecedented 13-foot surge of seawater - 3 feet above the previous record - gushed into Gotham, inundating tunnels, subway stations and the electrical system that powers Wall Street, and sent hospital patients and tourists scrambling for safety.
Search: Aviators of the 1-150th Assault Helicopter Battalion, New Jersey National Guard, look for displaced residents along the coastline of Seaside Heights today
Flooded areas: Highlighted areas show flooding in New York. An unprecedented 13-foot surge of seawater - 3 feet above the previous record - gushed into Gotham
Hope springs: An unidentified couple collect ginkgo fruit knocked from trees by the ferocious winds, as a stunning rainbow appears like an arcing message of hope over the flooded devastation of New York left in the wake of the devastating storm
Precarious: A crane attached to One57, a luxury apartment tower under construction in midtown Manhattan, hangs down after partially collapsing amid gusts from Sandy
Devastation: A fallen tree and power line ripped from the ground outside homes on Harvard Street in Garden City, New York Curiosity turned to concern overnight as New York City residents watched whole neighborhoods disappear into darkness as power was cut.
The World Trade Center site was a glowing ghost near the tip of Lower Manhattan. Residents reported seeing no lights but the strobes of emergency vehicles and the glimpses of flashlights in nearby apartments. Lobbies were flooded, cars floated and people started to worry about food.
A huge fire destroyed 80 to 100 houses in a flooded beachfront neighborhood, forcing firefighters to undertake daring rescues and injuring three people. More than 190 firefighters contained the blaze but were still putting out some pockets of fire more than nine hours after it erupted.
Shock: Residents look over the remains of burned homes in the Rockaways section
As daylight broke, neighbors walked around aimlessly through their smoke-filled Breezy Point neighborhood, which sits on the Rockaway peninsula jutting into the Atlantic Ocean. Electrical wires dangled within feet of the street.
Officials said the fire was reported around 11 p.m. Monday in an area flooded by the superstorm that began sweeping through the city earlier. Firefighters told WABC-TV that the water was chest high on the street, and they had to use a boat to make rescues.
They said in one apartment home, about 25 people were trapped in an upstairs unit, and the two-story home next door was ablaze and setting fire to the apartment's roof.
Firefighters climbed an awning to get to the trapped people and took them downstairs to a boat in the street.
No train service: Veronica De Souza posted this extraordinary picture ('via ninjapito') on Twitter of the 86th Street station with water above the platform [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Extraordinary: This CCTV photo shows flood waters from Hurricane Sandy rushing in to the Hoboken PATH train station through an elevator shaft in New Jersey
Aid at hand: An emergency operations centre in Fairfax County, Virginia, co-ordinates the mammoth response to the severe flooding caused by Sandy
Video footage of the scene showed a hellish swath of tightly packed homes fully engulfed in orange flames as firefighters hauled hoses while sloshing in ankle-high water.
Many homes appeared completely flattened by the wind-whipped flames. One firefighter suffered a minor injury and was taken to a hospital.
Two civilians suffered minor injuries and were treated at the scene.
In September, the same neighborhood was struck by a tornado that hurled debris in the air, knocked out power and startled residents who once thought of twisters as a Midwestern phenomenon. Skyscrapers swayed and creaked in winds that partially toppled a crane 74 stories above Midtown.
Right before dawn, a handful of taxis were out on the streets, though there was an abundance of emergency and police vehicles. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
Time to act: President Obama has declared a 'major disaster' in New York and Long Island as swathes of the city woke up under water after a night of being battered by Superstorm Sandy
Looking down: These shocking views taken from high-rise buildings in Manhattan show the extent of flooding in New York City after it was hit by Superstorm Sandy
No go area: An uprooted tree blocks 7th street near Avenue D in the East Village as a result of high winds from Sandy on Monday in Manhattan, New York The massive storm reached well into the Midwest: Chicago officials warned residents to stay away from the Lake Michigan shore as the city prepares for winds of up to 60 mph and waves exceeding 24 feet well into Wednesday. Remnants of the former Category 1 hurricane were forecast to head across Pennsylvania before taking another sharp turn into western New York by Wednesday morning.
Although weakening as it goes, the massive storm - which caused wind warnings from Florida to Canada - will continue to bring heavy rain and local flooding, said Daniel Brown, warning coordination meteorologist at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. As Hurricane Sandy closed in on the Northeast, it converged with a cold-weather system that turned it into a monstrous hybrid of rain and high wind - and even snow in West Virginia and other mountainous areas inland.
Bang: This image from video provided by Dani Hart shows what appears to be a transformer exploding in lower Manhattan as seen from a building rooftop in Brooklyn
Flooding: Water rushes into the Carey Tunnel (previously the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel), caused by Sandy on Monday night in the financial district of New York
Flood water rushes into a below-ground carpark in New York's Financial District
Just before it made landfall at 8 p.m. near Atlantic City, N.J., forecasters stripped Sandy of hurricane status - but the distinction was purely technical, based on its shape and internal temperature.
It still packed hurricane-force wind, and forecasters were careful to say it was still dangerous to the tens of millions in its path. While the hurricane's 90 mph winds registered as only a Category 1 on a scale of five, it packed 'astoundingly low' barometric pressure, giving it terrific energy to push water inland, said Kerry Emanuel, a professor of meteorology at MIT. .
Three of the victims were children, one just 8 years old. Sandy, which killed 69 people in the Caribbean before making its way up the Eastern Seaboard, began to hook left at midday Monday toward the New Jersey coast.
Even before it made landfall, crashing waves had claimed an old, 50-foot piece of Atlantic City's world-famous Boardwalk. 'We are looking at the highest storm surges ever recorded' in the Northeast, said Jeff Masters, meteorology director for Weather Underground, a private forecasting service.
Sitting on the dangerous northeast wall of the storm, the New York metropolitan area got the worst of it. An explosion at a ConEdison substation knocked out power to about 310,000 customers in Manhattan, said Miksad.
'We see a pop. The whole sky lights up,' said Dani Hart, 30, who was watching the storm from the roof of her building in the Navy Yards. 'It sounded like the Fourth of July,' Stephen Weisbrot said from his 10th-floor apartment. New York University's Tisch Hospital was forced to evacuate 200 patients after its backup generator failed. NYU Medical Dean Robert Grossman said patients - among them 20 babies from neonatal intensive care that were on battery-powered respirators - had to be carried down staircases and to dozens of waiting ambulances.
Without power, the hospital had no elevator service, meaning patients had to be carefully carried down staircases and outside into the weather. Gusts of wind blew their blankets as nurses held IVs and other equipment.
Isolated: Jane's Carousel, the vintage merry-go-round in Brooklyn Bridge Park, in the DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) section of Brooklyn, is 'basically an island now', Instagram user Andjelicaaa said
New York University, Downtown and Manhattan Veterans Affairs hospitals were evacuated.
Bellevue and Coney Island hospitals have no power. There have been no storm-related fatalities in the hospitals and there are 6,100 people in city shelters. About 670,000 homes and businesses were without power late Monday in the city and suburban Westchester County.
In Schwartz's Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook, residents who ignored a mandatory evacuation order awoke to debris-strewn streets and a continued blackout. About 2 inches of mucky dirt and leaves covered streets crisscrossed by downed power lines after water sloshed 12 blocks inland.
The doors of the Fairway grocery store were blown out. Several cars left in the parking lot were shifted by flood waters overnight and were left crammed door to door.
Schwartz and her husband rode out the storm on the third floor of the residences above the Fairway and said white-capped flood waters reached at least 3 feet around the building.
"It was scary how fast the water came up," she said.
Help: New York City resident Gary He posted this picture with the caption 'Dude in snorkeling mask trying to rescue his friend in Greenpoint (Brooklyn)'
The facade of a four-story Manhattan building in the Chelsea neighborhood crumbled and collapsed suddenly, leaving the lights, couches, cabinets and desks inside visible from the street. No one was hurt, although some of the falling debris hit a car.
Not only was the subway shut down, but the Holland Tunnel connecting New York to New Jersey was closed, as was a tunnel between Brooklyn and Manhattan. The Brooklyn Bridge, the George Washington Bridge, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and several other spans were closed due to high winds. The three major airports in the New York area - LaGuardia, Newark Liberty and Kennedy - remained shut down Tuesday.
Overall, more than 13,500 flights had been canceled for Monday and Tuesday, almost all related to the storm, according to the flight-tracking service FlightAware.
A construction crane atop a $1.5 billion luxury high-rise in midtown Manhattan collapsed in high winds and dangled precariously. Thousands of people were ordered to leave several nearby buildings as a precaution, including 900 guests at the ultramodern Le Parker Meridien hotel.
Alice Goldberg, 15, a tourist from Paris, was watching television in the hotel - whose slogan is 'Uptown, Not Uptight' - when a voice came over the loudspeaker and told everyone to leave. 'They said to take only what we needed, and leave the rest, because we'll come back in two or three days,' she said as she and hundreds of others gathered in the luggage-strewn marble lobby. 'I hope so.' Wall Street remained closed today and U.S. stock exchanges said they were testing contingency plans to ensure trading resumes as soon as possible this week after Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast.
U.S. markets will be closed for a second day - the first time since 1888 that the NYSE remained closed for two consecutive days due to weather. The New York Stock Exchange said contingency plans are being tested only as a safety measure.
Fire destroyed at least 50 homes Monday night in a flooded neighborhood in the Breezy Point section of the borough of Queens, where the Rockaway peninsula juts into the Atlantic Ocean.
Firefighters told WABC-TV that they had to use a boat to rescue residents because the water was chest high on the street. About 25 people were trapped in one home, with two injuries reported. Airlines canceled around 12,500 flights because of the storm, a number that was expected to grow. Off North Carolina, not far from an area known as 'the Graveyard of the Atlantic,' a replica of the 18th-century sailing ship HMS Bounty that was built for the 1962 Marlon Brando movie 'Mutiny on the Bounty' sank when her diesel engine and bilge pumps failed. Coast Guard helicopters plucked 14 crew members from rubber lifeboats bobbing in 18-foot seas.
Submerged: Instagram user 'Jesse and Greg' posted this incredible picture of East Village flooding in Manhattan, New York
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] Cars were flooded in the Financial District of New York as Hurricane Sandy threatens 50million people on the East Coast A 15th crew member who was found unresponsive several hours after the others was later pronounced dead. The Bounty's captain was still missing.
One of the units at Indian Point, a nuclear power plant about 45 miles north of New York City, was shut down around 10:45 p.m. Monday because of external electrical grid issues, said Entergy Corp., which operates the plant. The company said there was no risk to employees or the public. And officials declared an 'unusual event' at the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey Township, N.J., the nation's oldest, when waters surged to 6 feet above sea level during the evening.
Within two hours, the situation at the reactor - which was offline for regular maintenance - was upgraded to an alert, the second-lowest in a four-tiered warning system. Oyster Creek provides 9 percent of the state's electricity. In Baltimore, fire officials said four unoccupied rowhouses collapsed in the storm, sending debris into the street but causing no injuries. Meanwhile, a blizzard in far western Maryland caused a pileup of tractor-trailers that blocked the westbound lanes of Interstate 68 on slippery Big Savage Mountain near the town of Finzel.
'It's like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs up here,' said Bill Wiltson, a Maryland State Police dispatcher. Hundreds of miles from the storm's center, gusts topping 60 mph prompted officials to close the port of Portland, Maine, and scaring away several cruise ships.
A state of emergency in New Hampshire prompted Vice President Joe Biden to cancel a rally in Keene and Republican nominee Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, to call off her bus tour through the Granite State.
Staying safe: This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration map of the US East Coast shows the various warning levels put in place across the country
About 360,000 people in 30 Connecticut towns were urged to leave their homes under mandatory and voluntary evacuation orders. Christi McEldowney was among those who fled to a Fairfield shelter. She and other families brought tents for their children to play in.
'There's something about this storm,' she said. 'I feel it deep inside.' Despite dire warnings and evacuation orders that began Saturday, many stayed put. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie - whose own family had to move to the executive mansion after his home in Mendham, far from the storm's center, lost power - criticized the mayor of Atlantic City for opening shelters there instead of forcing people out. Eugenia Buono, 77, and her neighbor, Elaine DiCandio, 76, were among several dozen people who took shelter at South Kingstown High School in Narragansett, R.I. They live on Harbor Island, which is connected to the mainland by a causeway.
'I'm not an idiot,' said Buono, who survived hurricanes Carol in 1954 and Bob in 1991. 'People are very foolish if they don't leave.'
Reggie Thomas emerged this morning from his job as a maintenance supervisor at a prison near the overflowing Hudson River, a toothbrush in his front pocket, to find his 2011 Honda with its windows down and a foot (304 millimeters) of water inside.
'It's totaled,' Thomas said, with a shrug. 'You would have needed a boat last night.'
Today stock trading is closed in the U.S. again for a second day running - the last time the New York Stock Exchange was closed for weather was in 1985 because of Hurricane Gloria, and it will be the first time since 1888 that the exchange will have been closed for two consecutive days because of weather.
Residents in New York City spent much of yesterday trying to salvage normal routines, jogging and snapping pictures of the water while officials warned the worst of the storm had not hit. Water lapped over the seawall in Battery Park City, flooding rail yards, subway tracks, tunnels and roads.
صورة الاعصار ساندي - اعصار ساندي يضرب واشنطن ونيورك - الاعصار ساندي يتجه نحو امريكا - صور عاصفة ساندي فديو عاصفة ساندي 2012- Sandy